
Troy School District implemented a $125 million program of improvements needed to maintain healthy, safe, and suitable learning environments for its students. These improvements included building components, energy savings initiatives, facilities maintenance, and additions. G2 Consulting Group assisted in this district-wide project, working with TMP Architecture and Barton Malow Company.

G2 provided geotechnical investigation services for Larson and Boulay Park Middle Schools, and Troy and Athens High Schools. The middle schools and Troy High completed classroom additions; Athens constructed a secure entrance and canopy.

G2 also provided construction testing services for new and reconstructed parking lots and secure entrance additions at elementary schools, including Morse, Bernard, Troy Union, Martell, Costello, and Wattles.


  • Deep fill soils with organic matter were present at many of the elementary schools where new pavements and bus loops were constructed. These soils cannot support pavement. G2 developed recommendations including geotextile and a thickened section for undercutting, reducing construction costs for the new pavement sections.
  • Executing a project of this magnitude in an abbreviated timespan requires extremely efficient execution. Because G2 is located near all of the construction sites, we were readily available to the contractor for on site testing services. Project managers were also available when an inspection question arose. This minimized potential delays in the construction schedule.

Cost Effective SOLUTIONS

Site conditions were less than ideal for a number of the planned construction projects. G2 developed cost effective solutions and offered real time response to testing and inspection needs at 11 different sites, maintaining an aggressive construction schedule.